What We Deliver

We deliver Solution Focused Trainers Level 3 Certificates in Solution Focused Practice and Solution Focused Practice Outdoors for individuals and to groups of students through corporate or bespoke arrangements and follow up days which lead to practitioner certification with IASTI. The validation of our courses draws on our relationship with three external bodies which endorse the Solution Focused content of the training, evidence of learning and relevance to CPD. Courses are available at various dates and locations. Testimonials from past students confirm the rigour of the training, the usefulness of the learning approaches and the difference the training makes in the lives of service users.


The Solution Focused Trainers Level 3 Certificate in Solution Focused Practice is a short intensive course which provides students with space to adapt the learning to their particular practice setting.

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Certificate Outdoors

The Solution Focused Trainers Level 3 Certificate in Solution Focused Practice Outdoors is a short intensive course which provides students with space to adapt the learning to their particular practice setting.

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Practitioner Certification

Training with Solution Focused Trainers provides practitioners with a route to recognition from IASTI at three levels – Solution-Focused Practitioner/Advanced Solution-Focused Practitioner/Master Solution-Focused Practitioner.

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Follow-up Days

Follow up days can be open to practitioners who would like to know more about the Solution Focused approach and meet others who have completed our training, as well as provide extra direct teaching hours for those wishing to gain practitioner certification.

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All of our trainers can deliver short introductory courses. These non-accredited courses provide an opportunity to learn the basics of the Solution Focused Approach. This can work well as a first step towards the full Certificates.

Introductory courses can also be useful for organisations wanting to bring Solution Focused Practice into their service delivery.


Most of our trainers are available to provide supervision of Solution Focused Practice. If you would like more information, please use the contact form at the bottom of the page.

John Wheeler Training




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Our Certificate training course in Solution Focused Practice is currently available on a variety of dates at different locations in England.

Our bespoke Corporate training courses are delivered on dates and at a location agreed with the commissioners.

Follow-up days for those wishing to persue Practitioner Certification are provided in various locations.

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The cost for an individual to attend our Certificate courses can be obtained by using the contact form. Please include your location in the message.

Costs for organisations, groups and teams commissioning our courses are determined following a face-to-face meeting and the acceptance of a written proposal detailing the requirements and expectations of the course. Please contact us using the contact form to arrange a time for a member of SFT Ltd to meet with you and discuss your requirements.

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